Summer Party

The Fachschaft organises a summer party every year in the last weeks of the lecture period. The date for the next party will be published here on time.

Helping hands needed!

Of course we need many helping hands for the drink, cocktails, grill and carrying things around. If you want to help us, send an email to

What kind of music do physicists actually listen to?

We look forward to receiving many music recommendations from you for the next summer party. After all, you are the ones who know what kind music you like. Just send the title and interpret of our favourite songs to, but please only send in a few music wishes, not endlessly long lists ;)


Fachschaft Physik

Hochschulstraße 12
64289 Darmstadt

Am besten sind wir per E-Mail zu erreichen.

Twitter Account: @FachschafPhysik


Im Sommersemester 2023 finden die Sitzungen mittwochs um 17:15 Uhr in S207/267 statt.

Mehr Informationen dazu hier


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