Information on lockers for rent

  • The lockers are free to rent against a deposit of 50€
  • The rent time is two semesters
  • There are still lockers available!

The lockers can be rented anytime directly via the Fachschaft. Therefore, you can send an email to


Here you can find the rent conditions for the lockers. The form can also be found in the Fachschaftsraum, just come over during the weekly meeting.


Fachschaft Physik

Hochschulstraße 12
64289 Darmstadt

Am besten sind wir per E-Mail zu erreichen.

Twitter Account: @FachschafPhysik


Im Sommersemester 2023 finden die Sitzungen mittwochs um 17:15 Uhr in S207/267 statt.

Mehr Informationen dazu hier


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