Darmstadt, 21.03.2021

Vienna Doctoral School in Physics: Internships in Quantenphysik

Anmeldung für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende bis zum 11.04. möglich

Wir möchten interessierten Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden im Gbiet der Quantenphysik folgendene Nachricht weiterleiten:

The Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP) is the structured Physics doctoral programme at the University of Vienna. VDSP comprises more than 40 research groups, covering the full breadth of research in quantum optics, quantum nanophysics and information science, particle and high energy physics, experimental, theoretical and computational physics, condensed matter and materials science, gravitational and mathematical physics as well as isotope research and aerosol physics. In order to support young talents even earlier in their career, VDSP welcomes motivated Bachelor and Master students to apply for summer internships in the field of quantum science.

We accept applications until Sunday, 11 April 2021. Further information on the projects, application process, and Covid-19 special regulations can be found on our website


Weitere Informationen:

Poster_Internships_2021.pdf428 K

Von: Noah Eizenhoefer

«zur Liste


Fachschaft Physik

Hochschulstraße 12
64289 Darmstadt

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Twitter Account: @FachschafPhysik


Im Sommersemester 2023 finden die Sitzungen mittwochs um 17:15 Uhr in S207/267 statt.

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