Darmstadt, 29.01.2020

Promotionsstelle an der Uni Mainz offen

Die Uni Mainz veröffentlicht folgende Stellenanzeige für eine Promotionsstelle:


Promotionsstelle an der Uni Mainz:

Development of the Data Acquisition System for the n2EDM Experiment


Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz offers 1 PhD position (EG13/2) to

work on the data acquisition (DAQ) system of the next generation neutron

EDM experiment (https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.02340) located at the Paul

Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.


A non-zero electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM)

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_electric_dipole_moment) would

violate CP symmetry and might thus shed light on the yet unresolved

question of the origin of the baryon asymmetry observed in our universe

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryon_asymmetry). The international nEDM

collaboration is currently building the next generation experiment

called n2EDM, which will search for an nEDM with a precision on the

order of 10^-28 e.cm.


Development of the DAQ system for this experiment will take place over

the next years while the hardware of the experiment is being

commissioned in parallel. The system will be fully synchronous and

modular, with timing synchronization between modules on the level of

nanoseconds. Modules will be connected via a TCP/IP network and

communicate through SCPI messages. It will run on multiple Linux systems

and interface with various data taking modules, both commercial and

self-developed. Development of such modules (hardware and software) as

well as core DAQ software, data quality, online analysis etc. will be

part of this thesis work.


Candidates are expected to have experience in programming using

languages like C/C++ and Python.


Please send your application, including:

• a cover letter

• a research statement about previous and current research experience

(1-page max., 12 pt)

• a CV

• the name and email address of two providers of letters of reference

(no letter initially required)

• copies of relevant certificates and grades, and transcripts of records



Prof. Dr. Dieter Ries (d.ries@uni-mainz.de)

Von: Lisanne Gossel

«zur Liste


Fachschaft Physik

Hochschulstraße 12
64289 Darmstadt

Am besten sind wir per E-Mail zu erreichen.

Twitter Account: @FachschafPhysik


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