Darmstadt, 12.07.2018

Offene Stellen am MPI for Brain Research

Hiwi-Stellen, sowie Master- und PhD-Studenten

Das MPI for Brain Research in Frankfurt sucht Hiwis, Master- und PhD-Studenten aus naturwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen für die Arbeitsgruppe "Theory of neural dynamics".


Der Ausschreibungstext:

The group "Theory of Neural Dynamics" at the MPI for Brain Research is looking for Hiwis, Master and PhD Students

Hiwis Your tasks would include proofreading of scientific and non-scientific texts, writing of non-scientific texts and data analysis. The ideal candidate has strong English and German skills, great interpersonal skills, and the ability to work independently and honor time commitments. This position is ideal for students interested in gaining scientific communication skills or enhancing programming skills. Possible starting dates: July-Sept 2018, most of the work can be accomplished from home, however regular visits may be necessary for some tasks.

Master and PhD Students interested in understanding how neuronal networks work, how they respond to stimuli and what role connectivity and single neuron dynamics play for the activity of the brain. Though the focus of my research is on the theory side, my lab has close ties to experimentally oriented labs and Master projects could include both theory and experiments. We are looking for bright and hard-working students with a life-science or quantitative background (physics, math, biology etc).

For more information, please contact Dr. Tatjana Tchumatchenko

via email tatjana.tchumatchenko@brain.mpg.de




Von: Leon Berghoff-Flüel

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Fachschaft Physik

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